As the former CEO of Royal Administration Services, Inc., in Hanover, Massachusetts, William Deyesso directed a prominent third-party insurance administration firm. Now retired, William Deyesso counts fitness among his passions and practices not only Pilates, but also the Bikram and hot varieties of yoga.
A Boston Magazine article exploring these two popular types of yoga centered on the fact that, despite both taking place in heated rooms that induce sweat, there are more differences between them than similarities.
Developed by the Indian yogi Bikram Choudhury, Bikram yoga requires a room heated precisely to 105 degrees Fahrenheit with 40 percent humidity. It encompasses 26 well-defined poses and a pair of breathing exercises undertaken on carpeted floors with mirrors along the front wall. With classes limited to affiliated studios, hands-on instructor adjustments, music, and clapping are not allowed, and students are instructed not to talk during sessions.
Hot yoga, by contrast, has more relaxed rules, with 80 to 100 degrees Fahrenheit the acceptable temperature range and the humidity variable. Any type of surface is fine to practice on, with music often incorporated and applause not uncommon at the end of each session. Hot yoga students are also free to interact with the instructor, and individual adjustments may be provided. While both types of yoga have their adherents, some practitioners enjoy integrating the two into their routines.